Update: repliCATS workshops on 26+30 Mar postponed
**Update#2 in light of covid-19 (25 Mar) – These workshops on Thursday 26 March & Monday 30 March have been postponed indefinitely.
This will probably not come as a surprise to you in light of the continually evolving response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and closer to home, how university staff are needing to rapidly respond to teaching & research commitments in a remote environment.
We are currently planning how we can support our participants in a fully virtual world, and we would like your thoughts and feedback on this. Please e-mail, repliCATS-project@unimelb.edu.au **
**Update in light of covid-19 (13 Mar) – we’ve been advised that we should not hold these workshops as face-to-face events. Therefore, we will now run two virtual workshops on 26 March and 30 March starting at 10am AEST.**
We’re running two virtual repliCATS workshops on:
- 26 March 2020 (via zoom, starting at 10am)
- 30 March 2020 (via zoom, starting at 10am)
All workshops will be livestreamed from 10am – 11.30am.
For more info & to register via eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/replicats-workshop-month-aus-tickets-94336327495
Agenda for the workshop
- 10.00am: Responding to the Replication Crisis: the repliCATS project – talk by Prof Fiona Fidler & Dr Bonnie Wintle
- 10.40am: Q&A + break
- 11:00am: Assess a claim using the repliCATS platform – getting started! We’ll assess a claim using the repliCATS platform, so you can predict replicability of a claim as a group.
- 11.30am: Wrap-up.
Who should take part?
You should attend if you are from/familiar with one of these disciplines listed above, and are:
- open to learning more about replicability, open science and meta-research
- keen to improve your peer review and error detection skills
- interested in calibrating your judgements and reasoning against your peers
- wanting to be part of one of the largest attempts to evaluate the reliability of the published evidence base in the social & behavioural sciences!
What are these workshops about?
We aim to estimate the replicability of published research claims in the social and behavioural science. Following an introduction to the replication crisis, and our research project, you will be able to read and evaluate published research claims in one of the following fields: Business research, Criminology, Economics, Education, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, and Sociology.
Workshops are fun, and you learn lots about research methods, critical thinking, and effective peer-review! Follow the convo @repliCATS #repliCATS.
Questions I have learnt to ask at the @replicats workshop today:
If the variables measured for a study were manipulated or not reported in the model, why?
Is the claim of the paper the question the researchers began with?
Has this question been applied post hoc? pic.twitter.com/gZJsvNXKb0
— Cap'n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile) November 6, 2019
Read about other workshops we’ve run, including at SIPS2019 and AIMOS2019.