Milestone: first 575 claims assessed!
The first repliCATS elicitation workshop was held in Rotterdam on 5-6 July 2019, before the annual Society for the Improvement of Psychological Sciences (SIPS) conference. We are so grateful to the SIPS2019 organisers for accomodating us!
Full house at the pre-#SIPS2019 #repliCATS workshop 🙂 pic.twitter.com/WHQ20YS9e6
— Noah van Dongen (@Noah_van_Dongen) July 5, 2019
This workshop was the first test of our custom platform, as well as the deployment of the IDEA protocol to crowdsource assessments about the replicability of research claims in the social and behavioural sciences.
Here are some workshop statistics:
- we had 156 participants and 30 facilitators working in groups of 5-6 people over the two days
30 groups assessed the #replicability of social and behavioural science claims using the #IDEAprotocol. That means 30 facilitators. For some this was their first time facilitating. All exceptional. @replicats @unimelb @SciMelb @ArtsUnimelb #repliCATS @improvingpsych pic.twitter.com/IJy3Spx3vX
— Victoria Hemming (@v_hemming) July 6, 2019
- at the end of which we assessed 575 (out of 3,000) research claims in psychology, marketing and experimental economics…
- …that amounted to over 27,000 quantitative data points and 12,072 justifications or qualitative reasoning,
- and in doing so, we consumed x32 packets of tim tams.
There were also some prizes!
A happy little epistemic humility Tasmanian devil* on a boat.
Tired but very content. Thanks so much to the whole @replicats team, you lovely and brave and brilliant people.
* Tasmanian epistemic humility devil?#repliCATS #SIPS2019 pic.twitter.com/HNbGWPifDU
— Anne Scheel (@annemscheel) July 6, 2019
I won a platypus for making the most extreme predictions about whether or not findings will replicate. I love my platypus.#repliCATS pic.twitter.com/Ftmvcak0IA
— simine vazire (@siminevazire) July 6, 2019
What’s next for the repliCATS project?
The next big workshop for the repliCATS project will be held at the University of Melbourne on 5 November 2019, before the inaugural conference for the Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-research & Open Science (AIMOS).
There are x55 travel grants of US$450.00 available to subsidise participants from outside metropolitan Melbourne, interstate or overseas.
To find out more, and to express interest, visit: https://www.aimos2019conference.com.