Fallon Mody

  1. Hey PsyPAG2020 folks 👋🏻 have a great workshop!

    If you fancy leaving us some feedback, we’d love to hear from you 🙂 You can e-mail repliCATS-contact@unimelb.edu.au or leave a reply using the reply function below (anonymously if you’d prefer).


  2. Watch 📺 Fiona Fidler gives RIOT Science talk on all things repliCATS

    Earlier this month, Fiona Fidler gave a talk about the repliCATS project, and some of our plans for the future of the project. If you missed it (including if you were asleep because it ran from 11am-12pm BST), you can re-watch it via this link (YouTube)! Talk abstract The repliCATS project evaluates published scientific research. […]


  3. 💬 participant tweets we love

    The @replicats project is phenomenal! I participated last week by assessing replicability of meta-analysis claims. Was fascinating to see how others reach judgements and learnt about interesting synthesis methods which I hadn’t come across before https://t.co/SwJU9cSNDX — Matthew Page (@mjpages) July 28, 2020   me, trying to replicate the in-person @replicats experience: (sidenote: team box […]


  4. repliCATS monthly prizes and rules

    Round 7 (final round!): 1 July – 30 July 2020 It is the final remote round for repliCATS in phase 1! So, we’ll end how we started, by giving prizes to the three participants who assess the most number of total claims in July 2020, as follows: US$500 – for the participant who assessed the […]


  5. repliCATS workshop went virtual – over 550 claims assessed in the week

    Our last phase 1 workshop was originally scheduled to run before the 2020 Society for Improving Psychological Sciences (SIPS) conference in Victoria, Canada. Then everything changed. The repliCATS team created our first virtual workshop designed to accomodate all the original workshop participants scattered around over 10 timezones. What we ended up with was repliCATS2020 workshop […]


  6. Platform outage on 13 May. If you assessed claims between 12-13 May, please read this.

    Hi repliCATS participants, some routine system maintenance being undertaken on the repliCATS platform in the afternoon on 13 May (Australian time) resulted in our database being wiped from the live platform. We have identified the problem, and restored the platform shortly after, but we have irretrievably lost all of the assessments you submitted on the […]


  7. Update: repliCATS workshops on 26+30 Mar postponed

    **Update#2 in light of covid-19 (25 Mar) – These workshops on Thursday 26 March & Monday 30 March have been postponed indefinitely. This will probably not come as a surprise to you in light of the continually evolving response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and closer to home, how university staff are needing to rapidly respond […]


  8. Hey repliCATS👋🏻 help us name this badge?

    You may have noticed that the badges you earn are mostly a good-bad combination of cat puns? Well, we had a lot of fun coming up with them. But the team are stumped/divided about when we should award ALLEY CAT. All suggestions welcome (anonymously) here: Loading…


  9. repliCATS workshop at SIPS2020

    We’re running a one-day workshop at SIPS2020 in Victoria, Canada. Date: 20 June 2020 Time: All-day Venue: In downtown Victoria (Canada) We have 150 spots available, and up to 100 travel grants** worth US$550 each for participants travelling to the workshop (i.e. participants who live outside the immediate area). For more details, and to apply […]


  10. The new-look platform. What has changed?

    Are you logging in to the repliCATS platform for the first time since a face-to-face workshop at SIPS, AIMOS or at your institution? You might notice a few things have changed (we hope for the better!): Returning users will be prompted to update their password – we generated temporary passwords (for security reasons) and you should […]


Number of posts found: 38